Wednesday, March 08, 2006

The Bad, the Bad and the Good

Well it's not looking very good at all.

When I got to the vet's office this morning with Kelly the vet I'd been working with was concerned about how high her progesterone levels were on Monday. He was not the vet who was working over the weekend.... he inferred based on the results from late last week he'd would have had us ship the semen on Monday. He agreed we may have missed her optimum breeding date. That's the first bit of bad news.

The second bit of bad news? Most of Rapper's "swimmers" were not swimming when they were warmed up. He had been checked just a week ago... he is ten years old and when a dog gets that old there is always concern about the sperm viability.... but he passed the test with flying colors. So why a problem NOW when I'm already dealing with a very late breeding date?????

The good news is the AI was easy. A transcervical AI is done with a little camera on a scope. The vet inserts it into the bitch and, using the camera to "navigate", deposits the sperm right inside the cervix. Sometiems they can't actually get thru the cervix and have to leave the deposit just outside the cervix, lessening the change of pregnancy. But in Kelly's case he had no problems.. it's time we got a break!

Tomorrow I take her back in again. We'll do a cytology to see if it looks like another AI is a viable option and if so we'll try the second AI. Hopefully Rapper's contribution will be stronger this time.