Monday, October 23, 2006

1 Day Old

Kelly is being a *fantastic* mom! For the most part she is very careful about where she lies down. With seven in the box it can be kind of hard to miss them all so I do help her out occasionally by rearranging them or pulling one out from under her.

One thing she is doing that I have never had any other Mom do... if she doesn't like where they are SHE PICKS THEM UP AND MOVES THEM!!! Really freaked me out the first time I saw her with a puppy in her mouth! I know that Mom dogs will do that, I've just never had one actually do it.

Each week, give or take a day I'll be posting "birthday portraits" of each pup. They will be the same size and order each week so it's easy to see how each pup is developing relative to the littermates.

For these pictures the border color will be the puppies color. This is true for any pictures I take where I know which puppy it is. As a reminder, Red and Yellow are the girls.

Umm.. why yes... Brown did become Orange. It's a husband thing that I don't totally understand....

So far these pups have been quiet and happy. Hope it stays that way!!