Thursday, November 09, 2006

Economic Matters, Part 2

Okay here we go with the knitty gritty. I'll update this post with reoccurring expenses each time I make new purchases. If anyone is really all that interested in following along, it will be linked to in the sidebar so you can find it again.

One time expenses will continue to be listed only in the sidebar.

Yogurt: Yogurt, a staple for raising puppies at WhiteStar. The moms and puppies get it at the first hint of any digestive upset.

10/26 3 medium containers: 6.57
11/4 1 large container: check price
11/19 3 medium containers: 6.54
11/26 4 medium containers: 7.44
12/12 4 medium containers: 7.44
12/18 3 medium containers: 6.57
12/22 2 medium containers: 3.78
12/27 3 medium containers" 6.57

Bedding Pads: These are the large protective "bedwetting" pads. These go under the polar fleece pads you see in the pictures. In the beginning they only need to be changed every other day. By the times the pups are 5 weeks old, I'll be changing them twice a day!

I buy two different sizes (18x36 and 30x36) at either Target or Walmart. They are not always easy to find so I buy what I can get where I can get it.

10/29 2 packs large: 13.30
11/8 3 packs ex-large: 16.98
11/19 1 pack ex-large: 5.66
11/26 1 pack large, 2 pack ex-large: 17.01

Puppy Toys: Once their eyes open, puppies need toys to stimulate them!

11/8 5 puppy toys: 4.99
11/17 5 puppy toys: 7.48
11/26 6 puppy toys: 5.94
12/10 4 puppy toys: 19.35

Puppy Food:The puppies are eating Chicken Soup for the Puppy Lover. It comes in 35 pound bags and by the time they leave here they will be eating about 2-3 cups per day per puppy!

11/10 1 bag 34.09
11/30 1 bag 34.09
12/15 1 bag 34.09
12/22 1 bag 34.09

Puppy Litter: I use Purina Second Nature Dog litter in the puppies potty box.

11/10 1 bag: 17.18
12/1 2 bags: 34.35
12/12 3 bags: 48.30
12/12 1 bag of "corncob litter" - to see if we like it: 19.33
12/22 1 bag: 13.96
12/22 1 bag of corncob litter: 26.84

Puppy Back to Kelly's breeder. When I purchased Kelly, my contract with her breeder says that she gets either a puppy back from Kelly's litter, or the price of a puppy. This is a common agreement among breeders.