I got the first report from Camp Snowater this afternoon. Kelly is doing well except for one little thing.
She won't go outside.
I guess I forgot to tell Ken that Kelly has a little "issue" with change. She is a major creature of habit. She is the dog with a day planner. Schedule is everything. Change is bad.
That's one reason she won't go outside. It's not her yard, she's not going out on her own schedule. Nothing is familiar.
And I think there is another reason. Two years ago
we hot wired our fence.Most of the dogs got shocked once and figured it out. Ilsa got shocked twice, that was enough for her. But poor Kelly kept getting zapped when she least expected it. Once I saw her accidentally back up into the wire while playing with Ilsa. Once I saw her chasing a butterfly and she ran into it. It's not that she is not bright, she just kept ending up in the wrong place at the wrong time.
She simply could not make the connection to the fence and the shocks. She was convinced the Zappy Monster was everywhere. She didn't leave my deck for two weeks. We went to a show the weekend after the fence went in and she didn't want to go outside the show building. The Zappy Monster might have followed her to the show.
She eventually got over her fear of "outside" and things went back to normal. Or so I thought. But apparently she's having the old fear pop back up. Hopefully she will realize the Zappy Monster does not live in Oregon... then again, I haven't asked Ken... maybe it does?!?!
Meanwhile on the breeding front... Kelly is not intereted in letting Rapper court her yet. In fact, Ken said she was most adamant about Rapper not coming near her today. That's okay it's still early....